Since childhood it has been my dream to live and work in New York. Blame it on every classic (or cliché) movie and novel because everything fun, dramatic, life-changing happened in New York. From love stories to finding your dream job or alien invasions to time travel - it always happened in New York.

After living in Bombay, Boston and Los Angeles, my dream finally came true. I made the mandatory Facebook "Life Event" that I have been waiting for...


I have been to the city many times and I have hundreds of photographs, but somehow the ones I took *after* the official move just seemed so much better. It's the feeling of a dive except it is a constant after-leap-before-water moment which I guess no expensive camera or filter can compensate for.

A New York Minute is an instant. Here are few of my favourite instants that symbolise the city for me -

"It's the interval between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking his horn" - a New York minute as described by Johnny Carson.

(For those who voted on my Instagram polls, here are two of the four winning options - a photoblog of New York with vintage colour as promised!).